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New Year's Kiss Page 2

  She popped open her phone, hit number one on her speed dial and got Chic’s voice mail. “The ticket’s yours. I hope you have a wonderful night.”

  * * * * *

  Zach and Mikhel watched the door close behind her, waiting until she disappeared from sight before looking at each other.

  “Any chance you’re going to bow out gracefully and just let me have her?”

  Zach shook his head. “Not on your life.”

  “I could just take her, you know.”

  “You could try.” Zach sat back down and kicked his feet onto the chair beside him. “But since we’re not part of a pack and you’re not Alpha, I have just as much right to go after her as you do.”

  Mikhel glared at his friend. It had been five years since he’d moved away from his father’s pack but there hadn’t been a real need to establish one of his own. What good would a pack of two be? Besides, he didn’t want to be responsible for a bunch of werewolves who couldn’t make decisions for themselves. If the past five years had taught him nothing else, it was that he was much better suited to living in the human world.

  But now there was Taylor—suddenly available—and Mikhel wanted her.

  The wolf growled low in his throat, sending a warning out to any males in the area. Zach’s eyes flashed red and his lips pulled back in an instinctive snarl.

  Mikhel heard the animal’s challenge at the same moment Zach seemed to recognize the sound. Both men pulled back, taking a couple seconds to shake off the intensity.

  Zach sat back and shook his hair away from his face. “This is bad timing.”

  The moon was waxing and would be full on New Year’s Day. As they got closer to the full moon, their wolves got stronger. The animals’ urges became more powerful and the ability for the human side to remain in control weakened. Unlike the werewolves of horror movies, they didn’t have to change at the full moon. That was merely the time when the line between human and animal thinned. It took strength and focus to keep the animal in check.

  The added complication of a potential mate made things a bit more risky. And it was a woman they both wanted.

  Hell. It was going to take more than an arm wrestling match to decide who got Taylor.

  * * * * *

  Taylor paid the cab and took a deep breath. Her heart had been pounding for the last five minutes of the drive. And off and on for the past five days. When her friends had asked her about her plans for New Year’s Eve, she’d kept it very vague. One, because she wasn’t sure Mikhel really could get tickets and two, she wasn’t sure who her date would be. She smoothed the front of her coat and started up the stairs. The doorman greeted her with a bow as he opened the massive door for her.

  She stepped inside and immediately saw Zach, standing amid the tan and black couches, scanning the lobby. He looked incredible in his tux, confident and sexy as he monitored the room. A strange mixture of excitement and disappointment fluttered through her chest, leaving her more confused than ever. Had she wanted it to be Mikhel? Or would she have felt the same disappointment?

  She forced herself to exhale slowly. It didn’t matter. She’d have a fun evening. Zach was gorgeous and great company.

  Not that you have a chance with either one of them, she reminded herself. Mikhel is probably waiting at home for him.

  Zach saw her and raised his chin in greeting. She waved back but the motion froze as Mikhel pushed himself out of one of the plush couches and stood beside Zach.

  “Hi.” She didn’t bother to hide her confusion. Were they expecting her to make a choice? Now? Oh she didn’t want to do that.


  Mikhel just nodded his head.

  Zach started speaking, answering her question before she could ask it.

  “Well, here’s the deal. We couldn’t decide who would get to bring you tonight. And since you didn’t seem to have a clear preference…” He let it trail away, inspiring Taylor to answer. She shook her head and he continued. “We decided that we’d both escort you.”

  Both? She could have both of them? Well, she wouldn’t actually be having them. Just eating dinner, maybe dancing…ooh, dancing. The thought of either of their strong masculine bodies pressed against her… Her palms started to sweat and drat, she couldn’t exactly wipe them on her dress. It would crush the silk.

  “Is that all right?” Mikhel asked and she realized they were waiting for some sort of reaction from her.

  “O-of course. That’s great. It will be fun.”

  “Fun, right,” Mikhel muttered and she had the distinct impression that neither man was thrilled with the situation but hey, it hadn’t been her idea. And she was going to have the two sexiest escorts there.

  “Let me just get rid of my coat.” She walked toward the coat check, aware that her “dates” followed her. She took off the fake fur and handed it across the counter.

  “Holy God.” Mikhel’s harsh words rang through the hotel lobby, causing the coat check girl to jump. Taylor froze then slowly turned, looking at Mikhel and Zach. They both stared at her, their eyes locked on her body. Zach’s lips were open, like he couldn’t quite get enough oxygen.

  But it was Mikhel’s reaction that stunned her. Heat seemed to surround him and that warmth was stretching out and enveloping her, leaving her breathless.

  Goodness, she’d stopped them in their tracks. Perfect. Just the reaction she’d been looking for.

  Feeling feminine and sexy, she smiled. “Like it?” she asked, doing a slow twirl, loving the feel of the material floating around her. The skirt was made up of four layers of silk, opening to the front so when she walked, the inside colors were revealed, along with a hint of leg. The top was truly sexy. The front dipped low, revealing a good amount of her full breasts and giving her a wicked cleavage. But the back was what made the dress so special. It was completely cut out from the tops of her shoulders to the curve of her ass. It felt deliciously sexy and wicked.

  “It’s gorgeous,” Zach said.

  “Take it off,” Mikhel commanded, so low that Taylor quickly decided she’d misheard him.

  “I’m sorry?”

  Mikhel shook his head and took a deep breath. “It’s great.”

  “I told you it was the perfect dress.”

  “I think it’s more the woman inside the dress that makes it that way,” Zach said. Taylor’s smile widened and Mikhel barely crushed a snarl. If Zach kept flirting with her, Mikhel was going to— Hell, he didn’t know what he was going to do.

  They’d talked long and hard for the past four days, each trying to convince the other to relinquish his claim on Taylor, but neither had given in. No way was Mikhel backing down on this one. Not until Taylor herself made a choice.

  If they’d been in-pack, Mikhel could have ordered Zach to stay away but since he’d never formally established a pack, Zach was right. He had as much right to pursue Taylor as Mikhel did.

  Mikhel was starting to regret his decision to stay independent. If he’d established the pack, he’d have full claim to Taylor. It would be his right to strip that gown off her body and fuck her, service her in any way that pleased him. He’d make sure it pleased her as well.

  She stepped closer and Mikhel caught a whiff of her subtle perfume. He glanced at Zach and knew he was smelling it too. The soft floral scent with an underlying hint of arousal. But which one of them was inspiring the low sexual buzz that sizzled through her body?

  Zach held his arm out, crooking his elbow toward Taylor. Mikhel felt his temples throb. Zach was certainly the man for this kind of event. He knew how to wear a tux and looked elegant in the black suit. Mikhel knew no matter what he wore, he still looked like a mutt washed and dressed for a show. He didn’t fit in these clothes. He was much more suited to jeans and a sweater.

  Or being naked. Naked and riding between Taylor’s soft thighs. His cock twitched inside his shorts and Mikhel grunted. It was going to be a hell of a long night. The waxing moon multiplied his wolf’s hunger as well as his strength. Tay
lor’s lush scent was going to keep his wolf on edge and his cock hard all night.

  Taylor’s presence had had this effect on him since the moment he’d met her. But he hadn’t made a move in the last six months, denying his wolf what it wanted. Taylor had been dating Dick and Mikhel’s attempt to live in the human world dictated he not poach on another man’s prey. But now she was free and oh-so tempting.

  A dangerous spark shot up his spine as Taylor smiled and curled her fingers around Zach’s arm. Mikhel felt his teeth stretching. His body was reacting, preparing to rip her out of Zach’s hands. Then she turned and looked at him, waiting. Keeping his lips closed, he urged the wolf into retreat, digging down deep for the needed control. He forced a smile and raised his arm, offering her his elbow as well. Might as well keep up the pretense of the night.

  Her skirt brushed against their legs as they walked down the long open hall toward the ballroom. She hadn’t been kidding about the dress. It was perfect for her. The front had a shallow plunging neckline, not baring near enough skin for Mikhel’s taste, but the back…the back was completely gone. Two thin straps were all that held the sides together and Mikhel knew that with one good swipe of his claws, he could snap those strings and the front of the dress would fall away. And he’d have access to those perfect breasts. Damn, he glanced at her as they walked. He didn’t realize how much her work clothes hid her body. She had a pair of delightfully full breasts that she’d been hiding from him. He’d have to punish her for that. Gentle bites to her nipples would probably work, harshly kind nibbles that would remind her long afterward that her body belonged to him.

  The wolf growled his approval at the direction of Mikhel’s thoughts. The animal’s power surged through him. Thankful for the long tuxedo jacket that covered his erection, he tabled his plans for getting her naked. At least for now. He had to court her first, somehow convince her to choose him over Zach.

  She smiled up at Mikhel but then her lips flattened out and her brow wrinkled. “Are you limping?”

  Mikhel silently cursed. He’d forgotten about his ankle.

  “I hurt my ankle.” God. That sounded so wimpy, like he’d stepped off the curb wrong. Not that it had gotten caught in some hunter’s trap but that wasn’t something he could explain to Taylor. At least not yet. “I’ll be fine.”

  “Well, let’s get seated and get that elevated.” She sounded so concerned that Mikhel couldn’t resist looking around her back at Zach. Zach rolled his eyes and shook his head. Whatever, Mikhel thought. He wasn’t above using any means necessary to get the female.

  Chapter Two

  Excitement shimmered in Taylor’s chest as they stepped inside the ballroom. Silver and purple stars glittered on the ceiling. Metallic streamers hung along the walls. It was beautiful. Magical.

  “Good evening, Mikhel, Zach.” A woman approached with a welcoming smile and a low bow of her head. The name tag pinned to her chest identified her as the catering manager. “Do you know where you’re seated?”

  It was a formal event with assigned tables. The actual party was a fundraiser for the local food bank so Taylor had been happy to pay the outrageous price for the tickets.

  “Yes, we do,” Zach answered for all of them. He took the lead, dropping her fingers from his elbow to his hand. Mikhel released her as they wove between the tables and across the dance floor. Taylor looked around, trying to take it all in.

  A body popped up from a far table and Taylor immediately recognized it—Rebecca. Her best friend and the other person responsible for gathering all their friends tonight. Rebecca bolted from her table and hurried over, her long silver gown flowing behind her.

  “God, you look gorgeous,” she said as she got near. Then she looked at Zach. “You too.” Zach smiled and bowed his head in thanks. Dismissing Zach—Rebecca tended to dismiss most men—she turned back to Taylor. “I am so glad you’re here. Where are you sitting? We’re all over there.” She pointed to the back of the room.

  “We’re near you,” Zach answered when Taylor shrugged.

  Taylor was admiring Rebecca’s dress when Mikhel came up behind her. She immediately recognized his scent and the power of his body. His placed his hand on her hip, his thumb brushing against her bare back. The subtle caress was so warm Taylor felt the distinct urge to lean back against him to see if his whole body was that hot. God, what would it be like to be cuddled in bed with him? Or under him? He’d definitely keep her warm this winter.

  “Are you going to introduce me?” Rebecca prompted and Taylor blinked, her mind a little slow to react.

  “Oh sorry. Yes, this is Zach Courtland and this is Mikhel Haverstam. This is my friend Rebecca Rhodes.”

  “How do you do?” Zach said with another gallant bow.

  “I’m great.” Rebecca looked around. “Are you missing someone?” she asked, obviously expecting a fourth to their party.

  “No.” Mikhel nodded to Zach, silently telling him to move. “Why don’t we find our table,” he suggested. “And then we’ll come visit.”

  Trapped in the delicious trance created by Mikhel’s seductive touch, Taylor could only nod and follow Zach as he walked away. Mikhel stayed with her, his hand resting against her hip, guiding her to the table. The light touch seemed oddly intimate, possessive. Like he was staking his claim in front of her friends.

  Trying to dismiss the strange thought from her head, she concentrated on following Zach, gasping when he stopped. Their table was in the perfect position. Right near the front, close enough to the corner that people wouldn’t be wandering by all night but still near the dance floor.

  It was prime seating. And where most of the tables had ten people seated at them, making it a little cramped, their table had only eight place settings.

  “How did you guys get these tickets?” she finally asked. “And this table?”

  The edge of Zach’s mouth kicked up and he shrugged. “We own the hotel.”


  “Well, Mikhel owns controlling interest but I’ve got a chunk of it as well.”


  Zach laughed. “Yeah, that’s what we say sometimes too.”

  “But you don’t work here?”

  Mikhel shook his head, leaving it to Zach to explain. “Our families willed us this hotel and some land to the north but neither of us is really interested in hotel management. We like a more hands-on approach to business.”

  Zach looked at Taylor, his eyes twinkling with a mischief. The edges of Mikhel’s lips tightened in response. Oops. Mikhel didn’t like Zach flirting with her. But was that because he wanted her for himself? Or because he wanted Zach? Taylor dismissed the questions in her mind. It was New Year’s Eve. She was going to drink, dance and enjoy her men. Hmm. Her men. That had a nice ring to it.

  They claimed their seats—in the corner so they could see the whole ballroom—and were immediately inundated with Taylor’s friends, most of them female, most of them wanting to meet Zach and Mikhel. Taylor did her best to ignore the questioning looks and teasing smiles. She wasn’t about to explain it was a pity date. She was just going to enjoy the night and Zach and Mikhel’s company.

  Rebecca came over and sat down at the table, joining in the conversation, directing her attention to Zach and Mikhel. But unlike Taylor’s other friends, Rebecca wasn’t there to flirt, she was there to interrogate. It warmed Taylor’s heart to see her friend’s rabid curiosity. She knew it was because Rebecca was worried. Of course Rebecca, being the woman she was, didn’t do subtle.

  “So, are you both gainfully employed?” When they admitted they were, her eyes squinted into a suspicious glare. “How did you meet Taylor?”

  Zach smiled and recounted the story of how she came to Mikhel’s computer shop for help and stopped by his place for coffee.

  “And how do you two know each other?” And so the questions went. It was fascinating to watch. Mikhel only answered if the question was directed specifically to him and then he avoided giving details. Zach’s re
sponse was to laugh and joke though he gave only surface answers as well. He seemed more amused than irritated by her interrogation.

  Taylor felt like she was getting a small view of how these two men handled the world. Zach laughed at it. Mikhel stared it down and dared it to contradict him.

  “I need to go to the ladies room.” Rebecca stood up. She was precisely put together as she always was, having an innate style that just made Taylor want to scream sometimes. “Wanna come?” The stare she directed at Taylor and the firmness of her voice didn’t really allow Taylor much choice. She could refuse but then Rebecca would sit there and stare at her.

  Rebecca wanted a private, female conversation.

  “Sure, I need to freshen my lipstick.” She didn’t. She was wearing the all day, all night stuff. But it would give Rebecca a chance to grill her. She grabbed her sparkly purse. Mikhel and Zach both stood when she did, her chair was pulled back, giving her quick access to the aisle. “Thanks.”

  Both men stared at her—intention and heat in their eyes—and Taylor felt a long slow melting of her insides. Mikhel’s body had grown tense, like he was considering grabbing her. She placed her fingertips on his arm. “I’ll be right back.”

  The statement didn’t really ease him but he nodded brusquely, like he’d give her permission. This time.

  She laughed to herself as she followed Rebecca out of the ballroom. Right. Mikhel getting protective and possessive about her. That was a joke. She had to remind herself that they were just friends and they were doing her a favor by coming here tonight.

  Taylor stepped out of the ballroom and Rebecca grabbed her arm, pulling her to the side.

  “So?” she demanded.

  “So?” Taylor answered back, feeling a little snotty.

  “What’s with the two hunks?”

  “My dates.”

  “I know. Where? When? How? I mean, they are definitely a step up from Chic but…”