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New Year's Kiss

  New Year’s Kiss

  Tielle St. Clare

  Book 1 in the Wolf’s Heritage series.

  All Taylor expects out of New Year’s Eve is a hangover and a kiss at midnight. When her boyfriend dumps her a week before the holiday, she turns to friends Mikhel and Zach for comfort, never expecting more than a fun evening and peck on the cheek as the New Year begins.

  But as the night progresses, Mikhel and Zach seem different, almost animalistic. Definitely dangerous. And her friends are acting more like lovers. Acting like they want her…

  Taylor knows the time will come when she has to choose between them. When Mikhel proposes she take both men as her lovers, Taylor isn’t sure what to do. But no matter what she decides, she’s in for a wild ride.

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing

  New Year’s Kiss

  ISBN 9781419908712


  New Year’s Kiss Copyright © 2006 Tielle St. Clare

  Edited by Briana St. James

  Cover design by Syneca


  Electronic book publication December 2006

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  New Year’s Kiss

  Tielle St. Clare


  Mikhel slammed out of the house. God, why does he have to be so stubborn? His back teeth ground together until he was sure one of them was going to crack. Didn’t he realize what century they were in? He stalked across the back lawn to the garage and into his apartment above it. Once inside he threw himself down on his couch and growled.

  His mind replayed the conversation, his thoughts so loud he almost didn’t hear the footsteps on the stairs. The tap on the door made him sit up and push his hair out of his face. God, his dad had even started harping on his hair. What? He wasn’t a kid and he liked his hair long.

  Without getting up, he called for his visitor to come in. He knew who it was. Byron. His father’s best friend and Beta. Lately Byron had been running interference between Mikhel and his dad so it wasn’t unexpected that he’d followed Mikhel after this last fight.

  Byron opened the apartment door and stepped inside. The grim look on his face did little to ease Mikhel’s irritation. He wasn’t in the mood for another “respecting your Alpha” speech. Mikhel understood that they were werewolves, that they spent a portion of their life in wolf form and that they lived by pack rules but God, when his father was wrong, he was wrong and Mikhel wasn’t going to follow blindly just because his dad was Alpha. Sometimes he hated pack life.

  He looked up and waited for Byron to speak, refusing to break the silence. Finally Byron nodded.

  “I think you should leave.”

  “What?” Mikhel’s spine straightened and the hair on the back of his neck stood up.

  “I think you should leave the pack. It’s time.”

  That got Mikhel to his feet. He stalked across the room—stopping when his face was an inch away from Byron’s—and stared down the Beta wolf. Byron didn’t back up despite Mikhel’s larger size.

  “My father is kicking me out?”

  Byron shook his head. “You know he’d never do that and he’d kick my ass if he knew I was even talking to you about it but—” He paused, as if gathering his thoughts. “You’re going to tear the pack apart.”

  Mikhel winced and spun away, not wanting to hear Byron’s gloomy prediction. “It was just a stupid fight. Dad and I have them all the time. You’ve heard Mom. It’s because we’re so much alike.”

  “Exactly. You’re too much alike. Two Alpha wolves in the same pack. You challenge him at every point and soon he’s going to have to knock you down.” Byron wandered into the little apartment and leaned his hip against the kitchen table. “Or even worse, one of these days, you two are going to push each other into a challenge.”

  “And you think I’d win?” Byron was fiercely loyal to Mikhel’s father.

  Byron shrugged. “I have no idea who’d win but there would be one person who’d lose no matter what.”

  Mikhel sighed. “Mom.”

  “Yes. It’s killing her every time you fight because she can see it, see where it’s heading.” Byron pushed away from the table. “Your father would never ask you to leave. You know that. But think about it. There’s a big world out there. The pack has some land up north that’s not being occupied. No existing wolf packs in the area. Might be a good place for a young wolf to start his own.”

  Mikhel recoiled. “I don’t want my own pack.”

  “But you will. Someday.” He placed his hand on Mikhel’s shoulder and squeezed. “Think about it.”

  And he did. For two days. Days he spent watching his parents, the tired lines around his mother’s eyes. The cautious way she watched him and her husband as if expecting another blowup at any point. Byron was right. His mother was the one suffering.

  So a week later, Mikhel finished loading his stuff in the back of his SUV and said goodbye to his parents, hugging his mom as she clung to him. She’d cried when he’d announced that he was leaving but she hadn’t asked him to stay.

  He wasn’t going far—two hours to the north—but it would be enough to get him out his father’s house, away from the pack. That was what had finally tipped the scale for him. He’d be away from pack restrictions. Answering only to himself, responsible only for himself.

  But still, it was hard to leave.

  Blinking away tears that threatened as he’d kissed his mom’s cheek, he carried the last bag out to the curb and drew to a stop. Zach, his best friend since grade school, leaned against the back of the silver SUV, a duffle bag lying at his feet.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Thought you might like some company.” Zach shrugged. “Nothing holding me here.”

  A tiny kernel of stress he hadn’t even recognized eased inside his chest. He wasn’t going alone. And Zach would make an excellent Beta if Mikhel decided to actually form a pack of his own.

  Chapter One

  “Bastard.” Taylor snapped her phone shut and smacked the gray metal case on the tabletop.

  “You have to be talking about Dick,” Zach called from behind the counter, the hiss of the espresso machine muffling his snarl.

  “His name is Chic,” Taylor shouted over the noise, feeling strangely co
mpelled to correct him.


  The hissing stopped and Zach poured the hot milk into three paper cups. Three? Just as Taylor wondered who the third was for, the coffee shop door opened and Mikhel walked in.

  Of course. Mikhel. He always seemed to show up when she stopped by. If she was paranoid she would think that Zach had some way to signal Mikhel when she arrived but she wasn’t that mental. Or that arrogant. A man like Mikhel no doubt had his choice of women—and men if he wanted them—so there was no way he could be interested in someone like her.

  Part of the reason she’d returned to Zach’s Coffee after that first accidental visit was the pure beauty of her surroundings—Zach and Mikhel. Zach had that Greek god thing going—tall, broad shoulders, narrow hips. Blond hair that hung just past his collar. Gorgeous and sweet. Definitely a man designed for sex. Everything about him seemed sexual. Especially his mouth. Something about his lips made her dream about hours spent with him lying between her legs. It had been years since she’d had a lover who enjoyed going down on her, and God, she missed it. Chic was willing but only if she reciprocated. And she didn’t like having to bargain for sex.

  She added that to the top of her list of reasons why she’d planned on breaking up with Chic.

  She shook her head and glanced at Zach and his beautiful mouth. She was probably imagining things but she just had the feeling that if she offered, Zach would bury his face in her pussy and spend hours licking and tasting her. Not that she would offer but still the fantasy was there.

  Glad that she was seated so the little dream didn’t make her knees shake, she looked at the other half of the pair.

  While Zach was physically beautiful, Mikhel was dangerous. A few inches shorter than Zach, Mikhel was solid muscle and looked like he’d been a pit bull in a previous life—with piercing blue eyes and dark, blue-black hair. He was tough and strong and if Taylor ever felt threatened, she’d want him to hide behind. Power surrounded him. You didn’t even need to get near him to know that he was the meanest dog in the junkyard. And something about that power made her panties wet every time he entered the room.

  Of course, most everything about these two men made her panties wet. She’d been using one or the other of them for her fantasies for the past six months.

  Mikhel didn’t greet either of them. He just came over and sat down at her table, accepting the cup of coffee Zach brought him as if it was his due. They moved together like they’d known each other a long time—almost like an old married couple. She’d often wondered if they were lovers. They were the perfect match for each other.

  Strength and beauty.

  Individually they were intense.

  Together, they were overwhelming. Or they would have been if there was any chance that either one of them was interested in her. But no. In the six months since she’d gone to Mikhel’s computer shop next door and stopped by Zach’s to wait while Mikhel worked on her laptop, neither man had made a pass or given any indication they were interested in more than friendship. Of course, she had been dating someone. Maybe now there was a chance. Her internal censor mocked her little fantasy, shutting her down before she had a chance to embarrass herself by throwing her body at either man.

  “So what’s Dick done now?” Zach said, straddling the third chair, sipping his coffee. Zach made the best double shot mocha with whipped that she’d ever tasted.

  Taylor rocked back and forth in her chair a few times, debating how much to say. How pitiful did she want to appear before the two most attractive men in the universe? Attractive, but probably gay, she reminded herself. And definitely not interested in her. It was inconceivable that they would be. She couldn’t even keep Dick’s—Chic’s—attention.

  “Bastard,” she muttered again.

  “Okay, now, you have to explain,” Mikhel drawled. It was more of a command than a request, his blue eyes not blinking as he stared her down.

  “Okay, fine.” She dropped back in her chair. “Chic broke up with me.”

  “Good,” Mikhel muttered.

  “Bastard,” Zach added. “When?”

  “Christmas Eve.” She sat up and played with her coffee cup. “By text message.”

  “Bastard.” Both men said it that time and Taylor had to laugh. It was great to have supportive friends.

  “It’s not really that big of a deal. I was going to break up with him anyway but I was going to wait until after the holidays. Then at least I’d have a date for New Year’s Eve.” Getting into her rant, she looked at the two men before her. “I mean, we have it all planned. Rebecca and I organized this big group of people to go to the New Year’s party at the Meriton. There’s like twenty of us. Rented rooms so we didn’t have to drive home. Now, five days before New Year’s, the event’s completely sold out and—” She held up her phone. “He sends me a text message asking if I’d give him my ticket so he and his date can use it.”

  She tossed the phone back onto the table. “Whatever. He can have it. Bastard. It’s just I had the perfect dress.” She looked at the two men staring blankly at her and laughed. “Sorry. Guys don’t understand this. But it’s the perfect dress and if I don’t wear it New Year’s, I don’t know when I’ll get a chance to wear it.” She squished her lips together and glared at the tabletop. “And I won’t get my kiss.”

  Both men sat up straight. Startled by the sudden movement, Taylor leaned away, feeling overpowered by the masculine energy that flowed out of them. All of it directed at her. Hmm, that was interesting. And all she’d done was mention a kiss. Her breath left her lungs in a rush as she reminded herself not to imagine things. Guys who looked like them dated each other or supermodels. Not brunette interior designers.

  “What kiss?” Mikhel demanded, not looking away from her.

  She grimaced, realizing that now she had to explain. “It’s nothing. Much. Well, okay, here it is. I don’t ask for much out of the holidays. A turkey at Thanksgiving, a tree at Christmas. All I expect out of New Year’s Eve besides a massive hangover is a kiss at midnight. Everybody should have a New Year’s kiss, right? Chic was my last best chance. Now I’ll be sitting at home watching Dick Clark. Alone.”

  She laughed. There was no other response. God, she sounded pitiful. She shook her head and looked at Mikhel and Zach. “Don’t worry. I’m done feeling sorry for myself. And I’m a big girl. I can handle it.” She grabbed her purse, feeling the sudden need to get away from their intense stares. “I’d better get back to work. I have a client coming in at two.”

  “Wait.” Zach placed his hand on her arm. “You should go to this party.”

  He sounded so intent, so concerned that Taylor had to smile. That was sweet.

  “Thanks, but this isn’t really something you go to stag.”

  “I’ll take you.” Both men spoke in unison. Then looked at each other as if surprised the other had made the offer.

  Her heart started racing in her chest. Chic just assumed she wouldn’t be using her ticket because he knew she couldn’t get a date. Wouldn’t he be surprised if she walked in with Mikhel? Or Zach? Either one would be a major step up from Chic.

  It would be a pity date but at this point, she was willing to accept it. And not just because she wanted to show Chic she could get a date. It really was the perfect dress. And the thought of Zach or Mikhel being her New Year’s kiss? If that was a harbinger of the upcoming year, she was sure to win the lottery. But damn…

  “Thanks for the offer—both of you,” she said, hearing her hormones whimper as the possibility of kissing one of these men was stripped away. “But the event’s sold out and I can’t ask Chic for his ticket. I won’t do that.”

  “We can get a couple extra tickets,” Mikhel said quietly. Zach and Taylor looked over at him. Mikhel stared pointedly at Zach until the blond man smacked his palm against his forehead.

  “It’s at the Meriton. Duh. Yes, we can get tickets,” Zach said like it was a done deal.

  Taylor appreciated the offer. A date
with Zach or Mikhel? On New Year’s? She thought it through and, no, there was no downside to this.

  “But who would I go with?”

  “Do you have a preference?” That question was from Mikhel. The low, overly casual tone made her shiver. Like every time he spoke, it was delicious, sexual. Made her pussy clench, reminding her that even though she and Chic had been dating, it had been weeks since they’d slept together and probably months since she’d had a really good orgasm.

  Mikhel raised his eyebrows, reminding her of his question. A preference. Dark and brooding or fun and gorgeous? All women should have such a choice.

  “No,” she finally answered honestly.

  “Okay,” Zach said with a wink and a smile. “We’ll arm wrestle for the right to take you. One of us will pick you up Friday night at—”

  “Why don’t I just meet you there?” she interrupted, needing to reclaim a little control. “It’s not like it’s a date, after all.”

  “Fine. One of us will meet you in the lobby at seven-thirty.”

  Taylor stood up and smiled. These guys were her friends and they were doing a really sweet thing by agreeing to take her. “Didn’t you already have plans for New Year’s?”

  “No. Just sitting around watching each other drink.”

  Mikhel stood up as well. “This will be much more…pleasurable.”

  Goodness, was she actually hearing the sex in his voice? And was it intentional or just something that flowed out of him without conscious thought? “Sounds great.” She forced a smile. “And thanks.” Taylor slung her purse over her shoulder, grabbed her coffee and hurried to the door, trying to get out before she thought about the fact that they were watching her leave and did her butt look huge in these pants?

  She started down the street and noticed there was extra energy running through her body. It didn’t matter which guy she went with. Either way, she’d have one of the hottest dates there. And wouldn’t Chic be surprised?